Quick Update
Wow! It's quite hard to believe just how quickly time has flown. Looking at the last post date, I know it has been two months since my...

Preparing Parts Part 2: An Exercise in Perspective
In part 1 I took a broad view on the topic of performance parts. Here, in the second post on the subject, I'll review the unique...
Preparing Parts Part 1: Acknowledging the Task
Parts: that mountain of work you have to do after you think you're done with a piece. Yep, the sweet victory of the recent completion has...

Movement II
Much like my commentary on the third movement, I'll keep it succinct. Movement II is a scherzo. It is short, fast, and perverse...

Movement III
That last one was lengthy! To complement that here is the third movement with minimal commentary. While I don't have too much to say, I...

The Big Arc
I am big on buildups. Don't get me wrong; I love sensuous textures, visceral rhythms, and other elements that instantly engage a...

Opening Three Minutes
Having shared the last four minutes of the piece in my previous post, it seems quite appropriate to dedicate this one to the beginning....

The Final Four Minutes
Once again, more time has passed than I would have liked since my last update. As often happens during my compositional process, I have...

Update and a Reminder to Refuel
Creating can be consuming. Often, there is a gap with which you have to deal. Sometimes, it occurs between what your work is and what you...

Fatigue and a Firestorm of Activity
The past few days have been a firestorm of activity. After feeling burnt out and essentially giving in to the notion of taking a day off,...