Laying the Groundwork Part 1: Handling Instructions
For me, the act of creating a composition breaks down into two distinct, though usually-overlapping, stages: conceptualizing (building up...

Research & Exploration: Upper Strings
Continuing the search for the sounds, I've cruised the internet in search of websites and videos that demonstrate at least some of the...

Research & Exploration: Sibelius Academy Harp Notation Manual
As I've continued to seek out the perfect sounds for the concerto, I accidentally discovered a harp resource that was, until this moment,...

Research & Exploration: Cello Map
For me, music is as much about sounds as it is about notes. Getting the notes is good (vital even!) but the notes live as sound and just...
Reminder to Self Part 2: Create THEN Analyze
Part 1 left off with an indictment of playing it safe and a promise to explore a better way of operating creatively. So how does that...